The elementary outreach mission field is where we seek to connect with schools, kids, faculty, parents, and families in our area.
ENTER the Elementary Outreach Field with us:
Help Others ENTER the Elementary Outreach Field:
- Kids Ministry Team: When you volunteer for Kids Connect Group, Nursery, Children’s Worship, Wednesday Night Worship, and every other regular kids ministry activity… you are entering the field by building relationships with kids and families who may not know Jesus yet!
- Newell/Grier Elementary Schools:
- The Bill’s Backpack Blessings ministry delivers bags of food to children at these schools each week. Those who deliver the food have the opportunity to connect with faculty.
- Sign up as a CMS volunteer to help in a number of ways and build relationships within the school. HERE
- Spring Festival (April): This is our Easter outreach to elementary kids and families in the community. We need your help to get the word out, lead an activity, welcome guests, and more!
- Vacation Bible School (VBS): This is a week-long outreach to elementary kids in the community in July. We need your help to get the word out, lead an activity, welcome guests, and more!
- Fall Festival (October): This is our Fall outreach to elementary kids and families in the community. We need your help to get the word out, lead an activity, welcome guests, and more!
Help Others ENTER the Elementary Outreach Field:
- Bill’s Backpack Blessings (BBB):
- Give to the BBB Designated Offering so that the team can purchase the food for children.
- Regular offerings also support BBB. We budget $5000 a year to support this ministry.
- We gather in the Fellowship Hall 2-3 times a year for a fun time of packing hundreds of bags that will be delivered to Newell/Grier Elementary schools.
- Easter Food Bag Collection: We collect items for special food bags that are given to the BBB families before they go on Spring Break.
- School Supplies/Backpacks: We collect school supplies and backpacks in July for the BBB kids before they start the school year.
- Christmas Boxes: We collect Christmas gifts in November for the BBB kids before they go on Christmas Break. In addition to fun toys and clothes, we may also include Bibles and the Gospel.