The Student Outreach mission field is where we seek to connect with middle/high school, students, faculty, parents, and families in our area.
ENTER the Student Outreach Field with us:
- Student Ministry Team: When you volunteer for Student Connect Groups, Ignite, FUGE, Dnow, and other student events you are connecting with students and families who may not know Jesus yet!
- Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA): A ministry striving to see the world transformed by Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches and athletes. We do this by leading coaches and athletes in a growing relationship with Christ and His church. FCA is open to all (athletes or non-athletes) and has resources for people of all stages of life and different places in their faith journey (new believers, growing, mature).
- Cougar Captains at Chambers High School: Join men from the community to be a positive and encouraging presence in the mornings at Chambers High.
- You can volunteer at middle and high schools to help in a number of ways and build relationships: sign up HERE.
- Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA): Regular offerings to UHBC support FCA because we budget annually for this ministry.
- YoungLife: We provide office space for the YoungLife ministry for our area. This ministry intentionally reaches students with the Gospel that are not plugged into churches yet.